Valoraciones: H+ Hotel Salzburg
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Descubra lo que opinan los huéspedes de nuestro hotel H+ Hotel Salzburg. Aquí encontrará un resumen de las opiniones de los huéspedes del hotel.
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Vista general de las valoraciones: esto es lo que dicen nuestros huéspedes sobre el H+ Hotel Salzburg
Valoración total de 1501 valoraciones
Testimonios de los huéspedes:
“Ubicación óptima“ dijeron 690 huéspedes
“Personal muy servicial“ dijeron 661 huéspedes
“Excelente hotel“ dijeron 667 huéspedes
“Habitaciones muy bonitas“ dijeron 648 huéspedes
“Fabuloso desayuno“ dijeron 374 huéspedes
Terrible. The worst experience in a long, long while. What a disaster. Fire the GM at once and make sure you position a hospitable GM in the H+ Hotel Salzburg. When you are notvable to sleep throughout the night, because of a malfunctioning airco, then you won't charge your guest for your failure. Your GM has the nerves to charge 50%, because he claims "you used our services". What services? All he has to do is provide a restfull sleeping accommodation. When that fails, the hotel fails.
- Relación calidad/precio20 / 100
- Habitación20 / 100
- Ubicación20 / 100
- Limpieza20 / 100
- Servicio20 / 100
- Wifi / WLAN20 / 100
Dear Guest,
thank you very much for taking the time to rate our hotel. We are sorry to read that we were unable to convince and inspire you in several areas. Please be assured that we want to give each of our guests a pleasant stay. We are therefore very interested in your impressions and experiences and would like to take this opportunity to apologize for the inconvenience. Of course we hope that one day we will be able to convince you of our H+ Hotel and our standards. Until then, we wish you all the best and a good time. Best regards,
Your H-Hotels team
Stefanie Bergforth – Online Reputation Manager
Nuestro índice de satisfación
Evaluación promedio