Évaluation: H2 Hotel Budapest


Évaluation: H2 Hotel Budapest

Découvrez ce que nos clients pensent de notre H2 Hotel Budapest! Nous présentons ici un aperçu des évaluations laissées par les voyageurs sur différents portails.

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Évaluations : ce que disent nos invités de l'hôtel H2 Hotel Budapest

Note totale sur 2379 évaluations

Nos dernières notations:
1929 évaluations, afficher
380 évaluations, afficher
47 évaluations, afficher
0 évaluations, 
0 évaluations, 

«Personnel très sympathique» a déclaré 802 invités

«Chambres très agréables» a déclaré 805 invités

«Petit-déjeuner très copieux» a déclaré 679 invités

«Situation idéale» a déclaré 816 invités

«Prix parfait» a déclaré 801 invités

Évaluations détaillées



Liens de transport







De: Kristina04.10.22

  • Chambre
    60 / 100
  • Propreté
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Liens de transport
    100 / 100
  • Prix
    60 / 100
  • Petit-déjeuner
    60 / 100
  • Restaurant
    60 / 100
Dear Kristina, Thank you for reviewing your recent stay at our hotel. We appreciate your good rating and we are glad that you enjoyed a pleasant time with us. Please come back again someday and allow us to fully win you with our great advantages as well as excellent service features. Sincerely, Your team from the H-Hotels // Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



De: Francesca03.10.22

Posizione molto buona per girare la città sia a piedi che con i mezzi. Camera molto pulita, essenziale ma con un design elegante. Ottima colazione. Staff molto professionale e disponibile.
  • Chambre
    80 / 100
  • Propreté
    80 / 100
  • Service
    80 / 100
  • Liens de transport
    80 / 100
  • Prix
    80 / 100
  • Petit-déjeuner
    80 / 100
Dear Francesca, Thank you for choosing our Hotel for your recent stay and for giving us a good rating. We are happy that your positive impressions prevailed and that you generally enjoyed a pleasant time with us. During your next abidance we would like to fully convince you of our great hospitality and hope to meet again someday. Sincerely, Your team from the H-Hotels // Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



De: Anonyme03.10.22

Ottimo soggiorno
  • Chambre
    80 / 100
  • Propreté
    80 / 100
  • Service
    60 / 100
  • Liens de transport
    80 / 100
  • Prix
    60 / 100
  • Petit-déjeuner
    80 / 100
Dear Guest, Thanks a lot for rating on your recent abidance at our Hotel. We are glad that our daily efforts and most of our conveniences were appreciated which made your stay pleasant overall. Hopefully we can welcome you back again someday and fully convince you of our high level standard as well as excellent hospitality. Best regards, Your team from the H-Hotels // Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



De: FL01.10.22

Hotel muito bem localizado Area do café da manhã poderia ser repaginada e limpeza das mesas mais ágil e frequente. Agentes da recepção poderiam ser mais acolhedores e dispostos a dar informações aos hospedes.
  • Chambre
    80 / 100
  • Propreté
    80 / 100
  • Service
    60 / 100
  • Liens de transport
    80 / 100
  • Prix
    80 / 100
  • Petit-déjeuner
    80 / 100
Dear Guest, Thank you for posting a good review of your recent stay at our hotel. We are happy that you overall enjoyed your time with us and we would be pleased to welcome you back again someday to fully convince you of our excellent hospitality. Best regards, Your team from the H-Hotels // Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



De: Anonyme01.10.22

Ein sehrschönes Hotel aber, das Frühstück könnte abwechslungsreicher sein, Frühstücksäfte und Kaffee zu dünn.Im Zimmer lief beim duschen, das Wasser in der Schlafbereich. Im Zeitalter der Elekromobilität wäre eine Ladestation für E-Fahrzeuge sehr wünschenswert.
  • Chambre
    80 / 100
  • Propreté
    60 / 100
  • Service
    80 / 100
  • Liens de transport
    100 / 100
  • Prix
    100 / 100
  • Petit-déjeuner
    60 / 100
Lieber Gast, wir danken Ihnen für Ihre gute Bewertung und freuen uns, dass der Komfort, sowie die Annehmlichkeiten unseres Hauses, insgesamt gefallen haben. Hoffentlich dürfen wir Sie eines Tages erneut in unserem Hause willkommen heißen, um Ihre Eindrücke auch noch zu verbessern. Beste Grüße, Ihr Team von den H-Hotels // Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



De: Anonyme25.09.22

Personal könnte etwas freundlicher auftreten.
  • Chambre
    80 / 100
  • Propreté
    80 / 100
  • Service
    60 / 100
  • Liens de transport
    80 / 100
  • Prix
    60 / 100
  • Petit-déjeuner
    60 / 100
Lieber Gast, danke, dass Sie nach Ihrer Heimkehr an uns gedacht haben und eine insgesamt gute Bewertung zu Ihrem Aufenthalt abgaben. Ihr konstruktives Feedback, welches sowohl Ihre positiven, als auch negativen Erfahrungen wiedergibt, wissen wir zu schätzen und nehmen uns Ihre aufgeführten Kritikpunkte, für welche wir uns aufrichtig entschuldigen, zu Herzen. Wir hoffen auf eine weitere Gelegenheit Ihr Gastgeber sein zu dürfen, um Ihre Meinung zu verbessern und Sie vollständig für unser komfortables Haus zu gewinnen. Beste Grüße, Ihr Team von den H-Hotels // Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



De: Ancuta G.25.09.22

Destul de neplacuta datarita faptului ca am platint parcarea de doua ori,odata la rezervare și a doua oara la recepție sub forma de garanție care mi se va restitui la plecare.La plecare au uita sa-mi restituie cei 25 reținuți garanție.Urat pentru ei!
  • Chambre
    100 / 100
  • Propreté
    100 / 100
  • Service
    80 / 100
  • Liens de transport
    80 / 100
  • Prix
    60 / 100
  • Petit-déjeuner
    40 / 100
  • Restaurant
    60 / 100
Dear Mrs. Geani, We appreciate your meaningful feedback which reflects the experiences of your recent abidance with us. Regarding to your 74% rating we are glad that your positive impressions prevailed which made your stay overall enjoyable although specified inconveniences clouded your impressions. Please accept our apologies for the mentioned discomfort and be assured that we take your review very serious. As a matter of course we will discuss your concerns and suggestions with our heads of department to find solutions for improvements. Next time we would like to change your point of view and hope for another opportunity to be your host. Best regards, Your team from the H-Hotels // Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



De: Fleßa24.09.22

Gutes Hotel in zentraler Lage
  • Chambre
    60 / 100
  • Propreté
    80 / 100
  • Service
    80 / 100
  • Liens de transport
    80 / 100
  • Prix
    80 / 100
  • Petit-déjeuner
    80 / 100
Lieber Gast, wir sind froh, dass Sie sich in unserem Hause insgesamt wohl fühlten und danken Ihnen, uns hinsichtlich Ihrer Erfahrungen gut bewertet zu haben. Um Sie von unserem hohen Standard in allen Bereichen zu überzeugen, hoffen wir auf ein baldiges Wiedersehen. Beste Grüße, Ihr Team von den H-Hotels // Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



De: Anonyme20.09.22

Average...nothing differentiated from other hotels. The AC/Heating system is terrible. AC fails to work with the thermostat and was forced to move to a different room with bunk beds separating me and my wife. I would never come back to this hotel again given the AC/heating system design. Unfortunate for a new hotel.
  • Chambre
    20 / 100
  • Propreté
    100 / 100
  • Service
    100 / 100
  • Liens de transport
    60 / 100
  • Prix
    60 / 100
  • Petit-déjeuner
    80 / 100
Dear Guest, Thank you for your recent stay which to our regrets wasnt as pleasant as you would have expected due to the not properly working aircon in your room. Please accept our apologies for the discomfort and rest assured that we will check on it immediately as it should work perfectly as long as the outside temperature is higher than 25 degrees. We hope for another chance to be your host as we would like to prove our high quality level in every aspect. Kind regards, Your team from the H-Hotels // Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



De: Anonyme20.09.22

Overall stay was good.
  • Chambre
    80 / 100
  • Propreté
    80 / 100
  • Service
    80 / 100
  • Liens de transport
    80 / 100
  • Prix
    80 / 100
  • Petit-déjeuner
    60 / 100
Dear Guest, Many thanks for your time to rate on your recent stay at our hotel. It was a pleasure for us to have satisfied most of your expectations and we would be happy to welcome you back again someday to fully convince you of our excellent service as well as warm hospitality. Best regards, Your team from the H-Hotels // Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



De: Anonyme19.09.22

Very good!
  • Chambre
    80 / 100
  • Propreté
    80 / 100
  • Service
    80 / 100
  • Liens de transport
    80 / 100
  • Prix
    80 / 100
  • Petit-déjeuner
    80 / 100
Dear Guest, Thanks a lot for rating on your recent abidance at our Hotel. We are glad that our daily efforts and most of our conveniences were appreciated which made your stay pleasant overall. Hopefully we can welcome you back again someday and fully convince you of our high level standard as well as excellent hospitality. Best regards, Your team from the H-Hotels // Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



De: L G.18.09.22

Good experience, well located, and fine overall.
  • Chambre
    80 / 100
  • Propreté
    80 / 100
  • Service
    80 / 100
  • Liens de transport
    80 / 100
  • Prix
    60 / 100
  • Petit-déjeuner
    80 / 100
Dear Garcia, Thank you for choosing our H2 Hotel for your recent stay in Budapest and for giving us a good rating. We are happy that your positive impressions prevailed and that you generally enjoyed a pleasant time with us. During your next abidance we would like to fully convince you of our great hospitality and hope to meet again someday. Sincerely, Your team from the H-Hotels // Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



De: Anonyme16.09.22

Ive room in downtown area close to restaurants and shops and friendly and helpful front desk staff
  • Chambre
    80 / 100
  • Propreté
    80 / 100
  • Service
    80 / 100
  • Liens de transport
    80 / 100
  • Prix
    80 / 100
  • Petit-déjeuner
    60 / 100
Dear Guest, Thank you for posting a good review of your recent stay at our hotel. We are happy that you overall enjoyed your time with us and we would be pleased to welcome you back again someday to fully convince you of our excellent hospitality. Best regards, Your team from the H-Hotels // Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



De: Anonyme14.09.22

veľmi super hotel odporúčam
  • Chambre
    80 / 100
  • Propreté
    60 / 100
  • Service
    80 / 100
  • Liens de transport
    100 / 100
  • Prix
    80 / 100
  • Petit-déjeuner
    80 / 100
Dear Guest, Good to know that you overall enjoyed staying at our Hotel. We are thankful for your positive rating and with our modern ambience as well as personalized service we would be happy to welcome you back again someday for an even more comfortable abidance. Best regards, Your team from the H-Hotels // Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



De: TLD13.09.22

Alles okay
  • Chambre
    80 / 100
  • Propreté
    80 / 100
  • Service
    60 / 100
  • Liens de transport
    80 / 100
  • Prix
    60 / 100
  • Petit-déjeuner
    80 / 100
Lieber Gast, für Ihren Aufenthalt und die Zeit, welche Sie sich für Ihre Bewertung nahmen, möchten wir uns bei Ihnen bedanken. Bezugnehmend auf Ihre vergebenen 73% sind wir froh, dass Ihre positiven Eindrücke überwogen und Sie sich insgesamt bei uns wohl gefühlt haben. Schade nur, dass wir Sie nicht vollständig vom Qualitätsniveau unseres modernen Hauses überzeugen konnten und von Ihnen keine weiteren Hinweise hierfür bekamen. Während Ihres nächsten Aufenthaltes möchten wir Ihnen daher gern beweisen, dass Sie sich bei uns im H2 Hotel rundum wohl fühlen können und hoffen auf ein Wiedersehen. Mit besten Grüßen, Ihr Team von den H-Hotels // Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



De: Linds12.09.22

Nice modern hotel with helpful and serviceminded people at the front desk. I missed having two pillows each in the bed, so that could have been better. Nice breakfast with different choices. One minus was that some things ran out at breakfast and my experience was that tings were not refilled, which meant that you either had to rush to take things or simply did not get certain things. Maybe it was different if you ate before 09.30. The hotels location was superb, close to Donau, close to the town centre, to the shuttlebus to the airport and close to many Nice restaurants.
  • Chambre
    80 / 100
  • Propreté
    80 / 100
  • Service
    80 / 100
  • Liens de transport
    80 / 100
  • Prix
    80 / 100
  • Petit-déjeuner
    80 / 100
Dear Linds, Thank you for posting a good review of your recent stay at our hotel. We are happy that you overall enjoyed your time with us and we would be pleased to welcome you back again someday to fully convince you of our excellent hospitality. Best regards, Your team from the H-Hotels // Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



De: Anonyme12.09.22

  • Chambre
    80 / 100
  • Propreté
    80 / 100
  • Service
    80 / 100
  • Liens de transport
    80 / 100
  • Prix
    80 / 100
  • Petit-déjeuner
    60 / 100
Dear Guest, We are grateful for your good rating and glad to know that your recent stay at our H2 Hotel was associated with mostly positive impressions. Please come back again someday and allow us to enable your future abidance even more delightful. Warm regards, Your team from the H-Hotels // Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



De: Cinzia10.09.22

  • Chambre
    80 / 100
  • Propreté
    60 / 100
  • Service
    60 / 100
  • Liens de transport
    80 / 100
  • Prix
    80 / 100
  • Petit-déjeuner
    80 / 100
Dear Cinzia, Regarding to your 73% rating we are glad that you overall had a pleasant abidance with us although we regret that we couldn't fully convince you of our amenities and modern comfort our H2 Hotel generally is appreciated for. To help improving ourselves we would have liked to know how we can enhance ourselves in your opinion to enable your future visit more enjoyable. It is our aim to satisfy your expectations in every aspect and therefore we hope to meet again someday. Best regards, Your team from the H-Hotels // Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



De: Lecomte09.09.22

Très bien
  • Chambre
    100 / 100
  • Propreté
    60 / 100
  • Service
    80 / 100
  • Liens de transport
    60 / 100
  • Prix
    100 / 100
  • Petit-déjeuner
    80 / 100
Dear Guest, Thank you for letting us know that your stay at our hotel was associated with overall positive impressions. We appreciate your good rating but to fully convince you of our great hospitality we hope to meet again someday. Best regards, Your team from the H-Hotels // Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager



De: Catalin d.07.09.22

It was not what we expect. The receptionist lie to us and act like an insensible person. Never again in your hotel for this reason.
  • Chambre
    80 / 100
  • Propreté
    100 / 100
  • Service
    20 / 100
  • Liens de transport
    80 / 100
  • Prix
    80 / 100
  • Petit-déjeuner
    60 / 100
  • Restaurant
    80 / 100
Dear Mr. Dieac, What a pity that you gave your recent stay only 71%. We are working hard each day to satisfy our guests expectations and to meet the quality level of our H2 Hotel in every aspect. Therefore we regret not to have fully reached your conception of a pleasant abidance. Please accept our apologies for any inconveniences that may have occurred but to improve our service features and quality norm a constructive feedback is important for us. We sincerely hope for another opportunity to change your point of view and convince you of our great hospitality during a future visit. Kind regards, Your team from the H-Hotels // Thea Neumann - Online Reputation Manager


Notre indice de satisfaction client

Basé sur 2379 avis

Certificat de:
Customer Alliance
  • Service d'évaluation indépendant
  • Évaluations de véritables clients sans manipulation

Qu’est-ce que le Certificat Customer Alliance?

Customer Alliance est un fournisseur d’avis indépendant au service des entreprises. Nous les aidons à collecter des avis certifiés auprès de leurs clients. Ainsi, notre “Review Certificate” permet de créer une relation de confiance entre l’entreprise et vous - le client.

Comment les avis sont-ils collectés?

Notre questionnaire est envoyé à tous les clients. Par conséquent, chaque avis que vous trouverez a été laissé par un véritable client et ne peut avoir été manipulé. Seul les clients ayant été en lien avec l’entreprise peuvent laisser un avis.

Qu’est ce que l’Indice de satisfaction client?

L’Indice de satisfaction client est basé sur une moyenne calculée à partir de tous les avis client. Il montre dans quelle mesure les clients sont satisfaits des prestations de l'entreprise, 100% étant la note la plus élevée.

Qu'est-ce que c'est?
Note moyenne
  • Customer Alliance89%